collections.Dictionary KEY VALUE [KEY VALUE]... ⟼ mapany
is especially useful for passing more than one value to a partial template.
Note that the key
can be either a string
or a string slice
. The latter is useful to create a deeply nested structure, e.g.:
{{ $m := dict (slice "a" "b" "c") "value" }}
Example: using dict
to pass multiple values to a partial
The partial below creates an SVG and expects fill
, height
and width
from the caller:
Partial definition
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""
fill="{{ .fill }}" width="{{ .width }}" height="{{ .height }}" viewBox="0 0 32 32" aria-label="External Link">
<path d="M25.152 16.576v5.696q0 2.144-1.504 3.648t-3.648 1.504h-14.848q-2.144 0-3.648-1.504t-1.504-3.648v-14.848q0-2.112 1.504-3.616t3.648-1.536h12.576q0.224 0 0.384 0.16t0.16 0.416v1.152q0 0.256-0.16 0.416t-0.384 0.16h-12.576q-1.184 0-2.016 0.832t-0.864 2.016v14.848q0 1.184 0.864 2.016t2.016 0.864h14.848q1.184 0 2.016-0.864t0.832-2.016v-5.696q0-0.256 0.16-0.416t0.416-0.16h1.152q0.256 0 0.416 0.16t0.16 0.416zM32 1.152v9.12q0 0.48-0.352 0.8t-0.8 0.352-0.8-0.352l-3.136-3.136-11.648 11.648q-0.16 0.192-0.416 0.192t-0.384-0.192l-2.048-2.048q-0.192-0.16-0.192-0.384t0.192-0.416l11.648-11.648-3.136-3.136q-0.352-0.352-0.352-0.8t0.352-0.8 0.8-0.352h9.12q0.48 0 0.8 0.352t0.352 0.8z"></path>
Partial call
The fill
, height
and width
values can be stored in one object with dict
and passed to the partial:
{{ partial "svgs/external-links.svg" (dict "fill" "#01589B" "width" 10 "height" 20 ) }}