partials.Include LAYOUT [CONTEXT] ⟼ any
In this example we have three partial templates:
└── partials/
├── average.html
├── breadcrumbs.html
└── footer.html
The “average” partial returns the average of one or more numbers. We pass the numbers in context:
{{ $numbers := slice 1 6 7 42 }}
{{ $average := partial "average.html" $numbers }}
The “breadcrumbs” partial renders breadcrumb navigation, and needs to receive the current page in context:
{{ partial "breadcrumbs.html" . }}
The “footer” partial renders the site footer. In this contrived example, the footer does not need access to the current page, so we can omit context:
{{ partial "breadcrumbs.html" }}
You can pass anything in context: a page, a page collection, a scalar value, a slice, or a map. For example:
{{ $student := dict
"name" "John Doe"
"major" "Finance"
"gpa" 4.0
{{ partial "render-student-info.html" $student }}
Then, within the partial template:
<p>{{ .name }} is majoring in {{ .major }}. Their grade point average is {{ .gpa }}.</p>